Author name: Daniele

abstract art frisson

Off we go, exploring

Next step in the evolution. Abstract art is so hard because there are no recognizable crutches to fall back on. Just you, your marks, color choices and composition. Sometimes goes a little wacky, in the most unexpected and delightful way.

How art goes

I don’t know what I’m doing half the time but I’m going to keep doing it. I’ve been a stranger with white, but I’m making friends with it and all it’s luscious subtlety (I can’t leave a challenge). Now I start with the white and move on rather than trying to add white alone and …

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Clean studio magic

Because it will never be this clean/organized again…And because I want this to pop up as a memory someday…behold, my clean organized studio! 11:11pm an imabout to get busy!

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